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I don’t feel good. Let me lie down..

Walau akhir ini seakan terpisah oleh masa dan suasana tak dipinta…

Namun percayalah, tidak sedikit pun kasihku kepadamu surut dan berubah…

Urghhh.. The left part of my body is kinda feel stingg-y.. n I do not know y. It’s right arah my ribs.. it hurts. Please let me sleep now.. This afternoon I just had a forty winks. I need thisssss!!

As for tomorrow. I do not want to go anywhere. I REPEAT. NOWHERE!! Please let me stay at home except if my mood is above nil or if you are cinta~ I just need my cinta. :’(

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Is it me just me??? I should be snoring by now~

I can’t sleep. Help! I can’t sleep and I do not know why~~ Filling up my empty hours going through my accounts.. haha.. rajin lh tu kononnyaaaa~~

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Cinta tdo awal mlm nie. Nada dgn kn ceta2~~ I see you tomorrow, ok. Esuk I have to go to Yayasan. There is a meeting with pegawainya. Wish us luckk~!!

Ok.. I’m going to sleep now..

I just need to play a DVD. Here it is. Shrek. Ahax. Been playing it over and over. Great movie and honestly a great medicine when I can’t sleep. Hopefully the charm’s still there. Recommended for people diagnosed with insomnia. Hahahahah!

Ok. Guys.. Sleeptyt. Goodnyt~

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Didn’t know what to doooo..~

Ok. Here’s the thing. It’s Friday, I don’t feel like going anywhere in the morning (if i do, I still have to go home before Solat Jumat) and sooo.. I have nothing to doo~ So what I did—I signed up for Twitter and Youtube n uploaded some videos. Gosh it took a while to upload. I can’t believe the video of me playing canang is 105.5 MB! I had to wait more than 20 minutes for it to finish uploading. huh. Soooo.. What accounts do I have right now??

(1) Blogger. Of course. Just in case you haven’t figured ;)


(2) Facebook. Erm.. I don’t use it much. Konpiussss kuuuuu.. Payah ku kn pahamm.


(3) Twitter. I have no idea why I signed up for this. Antam saja lahhhhh.


(4) Youtube. Ermmm.. I have two options actually; either Youtube or MSN Soapbox. Since Soapbox only allowed ppl to upload videos less than 100MB, I have to go straigtaway with Youtube. :)


Hopefully tkabil semua account atu, haha.. Liat cha saja krg, buka semester ani bah. Nada lagi ada sulnya tuuu~!!! hahaha.. K guys. I have to get ready. Going out with cinta later.. Byeeee~~

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Which one?


I made this about a couple of days ago n I showed the original one (top right) to my mum. She said the colour is kinda dull. So I made another 3 with different colour. Which one do you think should I pick?? Or do you think it’s better with another colour? Leave your comment in the Shoutmix~!!

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Uploads, uploads, uploads..

2 months have gone….~~ And I havent done anything~ haha, Jokiinggg~~ Been busy with project. It’s going so well that I want to pat my back every 1 minute.. :p

With everyone concerned about that H1N1, prayers are done in mosques, Doa Tolak Bala at home. Hopefully inda tkana virus penyakit atu.

Hmmmm… Ok.. So what have I done?

(1) 8th June 2009 : To the National Archive @ Jalan Menteri Besar doing some research for our project

We found some information for our project. The research part of our project is still going on. The interview is still going. Go, go Tika!!

(2) 10th June 2009 : To KKBS and Yayasan.

We went to the Ministry of Culture, Youths and Sport to pick up our shirts. Looks good on me.. :P And then we went to Yayasan to browse for cenderamata for the guest of honor. Fidah had to go home early to pick up her sister.

(3) 11th June 2009 : To Perindustrian Beribi II, Sumbangsih Beribi, The Mall, Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Perindustrian & Sumber-sumber Utama, Telbru, Aiking Junjungan, Ideal McFarm and lastly Sotorindu Restaurant~

It was our lucky day and I had fun!!

(4) 12th June 2009 : Happy birthday Ifi!!

Happy birthday to Ifi yang keee.. ermmmm.. 17 tahun, is it?? Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki dan suksezzzzzzz selaluuuuuu~ Amiiiiin~

(5) 13th June 2009 : To UBD, DST Headquarters, R&T Enterprise, Zulkader, Makro Jaya Jerudong.

Met Tika and anak-anak buahnya on their way to interview elders in kampong and we went to search for more sponsors. But it was on Saturday. No manager anywhere~!!

(6) 14th June 2009 : To Seri Qlap Mall. We watched Geng!

The cartoon was cute~~~~~ I went with 3 of my siblings and Amie~ Thanx Amie for that great day!!

(7) 15th June 2009 : Meeting at Ketua Kampong’s House.

Miscommunication~ that’s all I can say about the meeting~

(8) 16th June 2009 : To RIPAS Hospital and UBD

Me together with Amie and Juen went to RIPAS Hospital to visit Tika’s dad n then went to UBD to check out our results. Don’t ask me what my result is. I don’t wana talk about it~!

(9) 26th June 2009 : Bengkel I

Can’t find the photos!!! huhuhu

(10) 27th June 2009 : Bengkel II

The workshop went so well. They had fun~!

(11) 28th June 09 : Pantai Tungku

We were there with my family from Tutong. Had fun and sunburn and i got stung by jellyfish twice!!! wuuuu~ hahaha

(12) 02.07.09 : Telbru (starting a new page)

Starting out the discussion after the confusion~

(13) 03.07.09 : Bengkel III

Fidah and Juen were there to join us~!! yeayyy!!

(14) 04.07.09 : Happy bday Baby!!

Happy bday Baby~ Semoga nyanyah kurang ckitttt~~~ :P

On that day, me n my 3 other siblings were not able to attend bengkel IV. Family’s important event ne yooo~~

(15) 05.07.09 : Bengkel V

Tika and Adek were there to join us~!! (no good photos, sorry)

(16) 08.07.09 : to UBD, Panahome, Huaho Sengkurong, kadai buat baju sebalah Arzwanina, Telbru, Huaho n Sri Mama (?) ‘Surusop’ haha, Giant.

We had a meeting about the project. The project is going well but because of the virus H1N1, we just have to move the date to another time. Our tuan Pengerusi called out penyelia regarding the matter.

Well, everyone, just focus on the event we have this Saturday, alryt. Prepare yourselves some kind of script or anything if you want just in case we are going to be interviewed (high chance this is going to happen). Good luck RBs! Shake it! Shake it! RBs, RBs, RBs!! Sorry I didn’t take any photos of us yesterday~~~

=== i bet this will take time to upload, huh? ===

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